Marriage a Mistake? PART (I)
(A written journal regarding these otherworldly women (OWW) written on the fifth of January two-thousand and nineteen on the Saturday). "Just recently I had begun to contemplate a possible future relationship with an otherworldly woman, namely a marriage. Although it may sound good, is it really? Many of these women of the otherworld continue to say how they were betrayed by a lover, but this seemingly appears to be false, in fact an outright lie. Many of these men gained age, became desperate, wanted a romance or just a sexual experience, then made some action to gain an otherworldly lover. So, if that was the case, then why is it that we generally do not hear of these men ever again? Where they taken up to the supposed otherworld? From all of this, think of this fact; if these men failed at gaining a human woman companion, whilst they are in their late years, then meeting their 'perfect' companion in whom is an otherworldly woman, then how is it possible tha...