
Showing posts from January, 2019

Marriage a Mistake? PART (I)

(A written journal regarding these otherworldly women (OWW) written on the fifth of January two-thousand and nineteen on the Saturday). "Just recently I had begun to contemplate a possible future relationship with an otherworldly woman, namely a marriage. Although it may sound good, is it really? Many of these women of the otherworld continue to say how they were betrayed by a lover, but this seemingly appears to be false, in fact an outright lie. Many of these men gained age, became desperate, wanted a romance or just a sexual experience, then made some action to gain an otherworldly lover. So, if that was the case, then why is it that we generally do not hear of these men ever again? Where they taken up to the supposed otherworld? From all of this, think of this fact; if these men failed at gaining a human woman companion, whilst they are in their late years, then meeting their 'perfect' companion in whom is an otherworldly woman, then how is it possible tha...

OWW's Claims on Adultery - Truth or Lie

Otherworldly Women (OWW), otherwise known as 'lady spirits', have made quite a few statements of having been cheated on by former lovers, to various men. However, how can they prove that what they were saying was the truth? How can we come to fully believe what these OWW tell us? In this section I will describe some of the logic that I had contemplated in writing. If you, dear reader have any other input or disagreement with what I have written do not hesitate to explain in the comments. All meaningful comments will add to a group discussion. Consider, As many who read this would well know, many OWW seek sexual relations with humans, even if it is only a temporary arrangement, in this case they would be otherwise known more commonly as the Succubi. Although these ones are well known, they are not the only OWW that desire sexual relations with men, in fact nearly every single type of OWW has been exactly or related to this such as; Yukshee, Huldra, Leannan Sid...

Incubus Rivalry

Having love for a woman that has an interested incubus attached to her may cause the male (usually) difficulties in his life and even lead to his own destruction for as long as he seeks her out. I know this is most truly the case because I may have been the man he tried to ward away from her. These creatures are an offensive term to use. These incubi, on the most part, have no regard for the free will of their 'victims', unless people who are having uplifting experiences are not speaking up. Constantly I was struggling in my mind as to why my life seemed to have been driven straight off the cliff. After constant research and contemplation I found that it fitted the perfect textbook incubus rival. I had sincerely loved this young woman like no other, and would go to great lengths for her were required. Although events turned out that she did not seem to be an option at any time in the near future. She was too young at the time, hence I did not make any ad...