Lilith or Astarte Part (2)
Could it be that Lilith and Astarte are exactly the same being? Can we trust Astarte? Who exactly is Astarte? What is Astarte aiming to accomplish? Is Astarte Satan? Let us look at the facts, This Astarte sounds very much similar to Ishtar, in that, the planet Venus represents herself because by the looks of it through research, she is the same. Some of you may not know who this Ishtar or otherwise known as Innana is. Here I will discuss how Lilith and Astarte may actually be the same. **How much can we trust our current knowledge though? Over the ages stories change or become exaggerated. ** This woman of the otherworld has often been seen (dreams and visions) and likened in the medieval ages as having blonde hair and an oftenly seductive appearance, "In the Renaissance, Michelangelo portrayed Lilith as a half-woman, half-serpent, coiled around the Tree of Knowledge. Later, her beauty would captivate the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti. “Her enchanted hair,” he wr...