Some Information about the Succubi PART (1)

Overtime I had accumulated many notes and quotes from people that had dealt with the women of the otherworld (mostly the Succubi) that I would like to put out there in three seperate blog posts; 1) Relating the Huldra and Succubi as also other peoples experiences, 2) Discriptions of Lilith and/or Astarte, and 3) What my opinion is of them. So it begins, 

"In some traditions, the huldra lures men into the forest to have sexual intercourse with her, rewarding those who satisfy her and often killing those who do not. The Norwegian huldra is a lot less bloodthirsty and may simply kidnap a man or lure him into the underworld." Sounds a little alike to the Sirens of ancient mythology, does it not? Continued...
"If betrayed, the huldra can punish a man severely. In one case from Sigdal, a huldra avenged her pride on a young braggart she had sworn to marry on the promise that he would not tell anybody of her. The boy instead bragged about his bride for a year and when they met again she beat him around the ears with her cow’s tail. He lost his hearing and his wits for the rest of his life."

This is just a fairly basic understanding of these ones, a portion of the women of the otherworld. Obviously from this then, you would not want to fail in giving a little sex. This reminds me of a website that briefly outlined the problems many had with these 'spirit lovers' in that they would give many material things and wealth when in a relationship. The downside was that these 'lovers' would overtime demand more and more sexual intercourse, more than what the human partner could give. This is when the harassment starts and the person loses their wealth.

You may possibly be lucky to have a good one in which you may be able to spend a lifetime with, however the chances are say... one in 10,000,000. Think you are lucky enough? Or are we going to just be another victim of their hundreds of other male victims? That is something I cannot answer, I can only go with my best guess.

"I still don’t believe she is bad. She is physically and mentally tiring but she hasn’t done any real harm, if anything she taught me not to be so trusting of someone you have never met. All I can really say is you never really know what to expect, so good luck.
Its getting worse, Lilith is taking too much of my energy and is noticeably getting stronger. I can hardly move or stand sometimes, the dreams are dangerous, I can barely get through to the others and I cant resist temptation hardly at all anymore. I need help and fast, she says she is going to kill me soon. I’m not sure how maybe take all my energy and my spirit or something, I don’t know. Any any ideas, there is no appeasing her and she has no intent on forgiving me. Though according to the others I didn’t do anything wrong and she wants to kill me for no reason on my part." -
Haha, Good luck buddy. That is why sharing this kind of information is helpful so that we can all help and assist each other.

The following website is a fairly good read about ones interactions with a woman of the otherworld: . Something interesting is in the website, this is it,

 "later i learned  that she had several  names. however she wanted me to know her at first as Meek. i had also learned that other name among her names was Lilith. but later learned this was a surname. and she was the daughter and  avatatar of  Lilith. and she had visited me several times that week." 
What is interesting about this you may wonder? I had always questioned about how so many people, seemingly at about the same time, can talk about how they had a relationship with this supposed Lilith/Astarte/whatever other name. It could be that her 'daughters' (Succubus) are acting as her.

Anyways, this ends section 1 for now.


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