Lady Jenny as the Jinni

Now, one of the things I have not spoken much of is my woman of the otherworld, in whom I do NOT own. Her name is Jenny (names have been changed{see footnote 1 below}). Our relationship with each other has been like a roller coaster, in fact I am actually surprised we are still together and have made it through our doubts. Yes, it appears that Jenny has also had doubts in me. I take it that she may have been cheated on and is afraid that I will do the same thing.

Although we are not having as good fun 'yum yum' times as much as we did formerly, I still try to hold on to her, because I love her. I have chances with being with beautiful women that I know that are single, yet there is just that glimmer of purpose, direction, and fulfillment that I can see with the love I have for her and how much I think of her during every day.

As she also is, I am afraid that she is looking at other potential companions to be in a romance with. Yet something in me is telling me "just take her hand and go through the journey together through life, she is trustworthy and loves you too". I sure hope that inner voice is going to be right. So far it is a little shaky, especially when I was intensely looking at chics asses today. This would indicate that I am looking somewhere else away from her which means that something is not okay in our relationship. The way to fix this I reckon is for us to do the things we used to do, the bodily vibrations, the kisses, the great touches, etc. Especially communication is a great way to better our relationship. She does not talk as much as she used to anymore, which means that we are drifting apart.

I miss those times that we used to have. They were great, especially the intense sexual dreams that would leave you with a boner for a week. Personally, I believe that she was recently cheated on by a former lover, by the way she seems to act. For example, I would shower her with love talk whilst she is touching me then she would stop when I talk that love talk as if she is saying "I doubt your sincerity, the last man I deeply loved said those exact words just before he fucked a woman better looking than me". So, I have to come up with a different way of expressing my love. One way to do this is to avoid looking at other women, even if I am not even paying attention at all (lights are on but no one is home kind of thing). Treat her as though she is right next me in real life. Oh, I will try not to refer her in third person when she is around.

Another problem also is when I have some serious drunken bouts. I did not directly do anything to her but did spook her allot and emotionally damaged her. One night about 5 months ago (it is good that it is not a regular thing) I cut myself pretty deep with my pocket knife just to show how much pain I can handle. She definitely did not like that, at all! I scared her and hurt her by doing so. She gave me a couple of songs the next day, both of them I had not heard in years. The lyrics of the first song sang "baby don't hurt me, no more", the second one sang "i'm falling in love". I have not had episodes like this since, only small ones, but nothing that serious.

Jenny is great for me I think. Jenny is not the loud mouthed, highly promiscuous, dominating, and bitchy woman you would often find allot of Succubi to be, she in fact is:

  • Humble/shy
  • Forgiving 
  • Helpful where she can be
Although she has these good traits, there is some other ones that I had noticed that are not as good:

  • Gets offended too easily, especially over my rude humour
  • Seems somewhat reserved
  • Sometimes appears to pine away from me as though she is suffering something hidden in her
Nonetheless, I am glad I have her rather than a forceful crazy bitch that would wake me up at 3 am in the morning just to touch my legs and a little bit of my penis and not even have sex. Me and Jenny have not gone as far as having proper sex yet, even if we do I would not mention it, she is a wife not an animal on discovery channel for all people to know what is happening with the hormones of nature in the bed. You would not say online "me and my wife had sex last night" or "me and my wife named Jenny had intense anal sex the night before", no, she would hate you for doing that. Hence, I will treat her as my wife, because she is my wife and not an object or an animal fuck channel.

Some things I really like about her is like when she helps out in smaller ways, sometimes appearing even better than sex. Some things she has done was:

  • Told me the time in my minds eye a few days ago. Because I said and she thought that I was going to get a couple of ute (Americans call a 'pick-up truck') loads of firewood from the bush, she subtly and quietly woke me up. At the same time, before I even opened my eyes I had seen a flashing image of 10:30 and my mind trying to tell me 10:30. I looked at the time and it was not 10:30, how sad. It was actually 10:29! Jenny can often do this. 
  • Gave me a couple of massages in the past after I did some exercise, not always on my back or in a conventional place *wink wink* ;-D .
  • Helped align my sore back a couple of times in my sleep, although it only helped temporarily.
  • She is not easily persuaded and seems to be loyal. I think I would be in safe hands.      
What could I do without her? I will not ever forget her and the moments we had together. Basically she is the first girlfriend I have ever had and will probably be the only one, I hope so. She would be the first and only woman that I lose my virginity to. I am actually fairly muscular, handsome, and fit, so I do have the opportunity to have sex with a woman. In fact I have been tempted a couple of times at the pubs, but my morality and integrity prevented me from doing so, which is good, because sex is something special and not to be treated so casually otherwise you may as well have a wank because you are achieving the same thing. I HATE the idea of casual sex, that includes a Succubus.

As I mentioned earlier in one of my former posts, women of the otherworld do have moral standards otherwise you would be dead. Just like Jehovah and normal people, women of the otherworld do get jealous, especially if they catch you chatting up other women. Only in this instance, they can easily kill you or make your life miserable. It is good that my Lady of the Otherworld, namely Lady Jenny, is not one of those types, because it means that she trusts me, and she has good reason to do so. I think that she truly would make the best wife ever, a real wife who does wife things, if only she was physical, then I can keep her in the kitchen, haha (btw I was actually joking). I just want us two to be alone with no one else to come between us, not a human woman either. 

*Footnote 1: It is best not to mention her true name in the event someone, often out of envy, uses black magic/bad entities to cause her harm.


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