Self Conflicting Goddess

 Today I had a smile on my face, as though I had won the lottery. Today was an interesting day. One of the Minds Eye Visions (MEV) that I had was saying to me "1 in 300". You may wander, what in the fuck does that mean, and what does that have to do with me? First up, it does have nothing to do with you. If you actually read my fuck'n posts you will find that apparently I was ranking (not smelly or anything) 66th place in this weird selection process, in which the Goddess will try and find her next pretty petty man bitch servant of a man sex slave little shit. Then she told me not that long ago that I was in the first dozen (12 for the uneducated fools). Hence, I believe that I am now probably coming 300th place. I jumped out of bed happy and content that finally she did not like me, I felt revived and content rather than feel contempt. 

The more I fail the more at ease my soul feels and the more at rest I feel my soul will become by not becoming accepted by her. I see Honour and Hope. Especially when she is in conflict with herself, seemingly. But, hey, no one is judging you if you want to have a wank over a skank.

Another thing too, is that, what if the Israelite nation is just a representation of his 'ex-wife', Ashira. In Jeremiah and Ezekiel, also in many other places, she is referred to be the woman that God adored and adorned with choice beauty, yet she went off to fuck allot, even paying others to committ the act with her. So, a prostitute paying someone to fuck her (sounds pretty desperate, was she that ugly and fucked up). Pretty much, anybody who fucks her is an abhorrent enemy of God? Probably. All this seems to be a representation of those who take parts with the unfaithful Satan, maybe.

I found that just by reading into Liber Lilith, that this brought the attention of Lilith and then I had a brief sexual experience, even though I hate that bitch and I thought she would have known already. Perhaps some Demons are pretending to be her and do not know that I hate her. Then if you think you were visited by her, you probably were not, just some random demon wanting your 'energy'.    

Another thing too, is that she seems to be horrible at protection, or it is that she also hates me. Either way I do not believe in that slut of mankind. Consider this, beginning with what I had formerly written here,   

"This Goddess claims to be Asherah/Ishtar and claims that she has an army of 1,600,000 of the otherworld. Then, where is she? Why has she not taken care of that cunt that tormented me for a while and still shows up, that killed and raped his wife and daughter? What the fuck! A Goddess of supposed protection? Or just a fake floozy that Satan uses to his liking, even pretending to be her. I hate that cunt Satan, he has been an asshole since day one, even against the human race and God."

Then from the website Become A Living God (BALG),

"So I was just having my personal time with Lilith, we were having fun and all, it was going good.

all of a sudden when i close my eyes i see a person sitting with sigils around him, and also i had glimpses of a road i walked on just this morning. I was unsure what was happening but i had an idea.

Lilith turns to me: “Is everything ok baby?”

I say: “I just saw a man surrounded by sigils.”

She immediately turns angry, she knew what was happening, so did i.

She takes flight to go to the person, once she arrives she makes it clear to him that i am not to be touched, i could see her getting very strong and fire all around, “now you must pay.”

She asks me if I want to kill him, I decide to let him live.

She comes back: “I’m back baby.”

She looks at me and goes: “As long as I am here, nobody will ever harm you.”"

What a load of hypocritcal asshole crap, especially when she, her shitty self, pretended to be a rapist murderour. Seriously, for this so-called Medusa, in which was apparently raped, to turn rape and murder in a laughing game, WTF!!!! What rape vicitim would do that for!!??? For ages I was not sure who this self-procaimed Rapist murderour was, so I just called him Damon which sounds similar to Demon. This Damon seems to have been the black haired female Lilith, in whom I thought could have been the young girls father, however farther evidence pointed me to this bimbo witch bitch. This is who the bitch that showed up looks like,

But, slightly older. I was told by a female 'entity' that "most call her mother". I call her a fucking adulteress whore. Also a child murderess. I do not think she got raped. She cheated on her great and loving kind husband in whom adored and adorned her. Now she makes up all sorts of shit about him and lies profusely because she cannot reconcile within herself what she had done. She is full o' shit. 

BTFW, what is with these fucking cunts and twats that only think of this goddess in terms of sex? She came to me one day, ages ago, and said "I am sick of people calling me for sexual reasons." 

When you see this image, what do you see and think?

Did you think the letter why? Or Y the fuck you saw a vagina? Same principle, Lilith or is it sex? Get yo head out of your ass and think as to what the fucking story has been rather have thoughts of your meat slapped on her grill. Hey, I do not like Lilith, but even enemies have honour. So, is those that just want to love their wives and keep Lilith in bed worse than enemies? Probably. Maybe she deliberately seduced and destroyed those fuck heads as to cleanse our Earth of sickened twisted little fucks. 

I think back on Liber Lilith book, only had recently read it. I often think that the reason why she made herself appear scary and all was to scare the fuck out of guys who may want her for sexual reasons. 

Here is another confusing issue, regarding her looking for a king. One of the first times she came to me, nearly four years ago, is when she appeared as a red-haired female and I asked a female walking behind her "is she royalty?" she replied "not yet." This obviously implies that she is in search for this King. Hopefully this King is not Jesus, in which Satan will no doubt want to destroy. But why is it that Jesus not dare rebuke the 'Devil', but this Satan cunt has the apparent right to destroy Jesus, what a fucking twat. 


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