Lilith or Astarte Part (2)

Could it be that Lilith and Astarte are exactly the same being? Can we trust Astarte? Who exactly is Astarte? What is Astarte aiming to accomplish? Is Astarte Satan?

Let us look at the facts,

This Astarte sounds very much similar to Ishtar, in that, the planet Venus represents herself because by the looks of it through research, she is the same. Some of you may not know who this Ishtar or otherwise known as Innana is. Here I will discuss how Lilith and Astarte may actually be the same.

**How much can we trust our current knowledge though? Over the ages stories change or become exaggerated. **

This woman of the otherworld has often been seen (dreams and visions) and likened in the medieval ages as having blonde hair and an oftenly seductive appearance,

"In the Renaissance, Michelangelo portrayed Lilith as a half-woman, half-serpent, coiled around the Tree of Knowledge. Later, her beauty would captivate the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti. “Her enchanted hair,” he wrote, “was the first gold.”" 
Consider also from my personal journal (one of them anyway),

"Also, I came to realise that the curse of this unfaithful whore, namely Astarte, is not a sent curse from her, she is the curse. Knowing that the blonde or red haired woman is problematic for the good and faithful men. And think it was a big fat lie when the claim was made that the red haired woman was cheated on or more precisely her former lover abandoned her, and now I understand why. Also, she may have lied about that in order to gain sympathy from me to try and make me more drawn towards her but she abandoned me. She is a faithless whore who is unfaithful to all the men she sleeps with on a regular basis, as though it is her schedule.

This is one of the many reasons as to how I had known that this blonde woman that appeared to me in my dreams, more so than any of the other women, and this was only within the past week, consider these excerpts from various websites,

“i was telling everyone what happened to me and they thought it was cool, but it was when i started to tell my mother what had happened to me everything disappeared [dreaming]and there was a very fair skinned, blonde haired, beautiful women standing before me. hair was mostly straight, but slightly curly. length was about mid-shoulder. i would say she looked late 20s early 30s. she told me that she has witnessed my life,allowed me strength, and would fix my life if i give myself to her.”

She’s always appeared to me with either damp stringy (not saying it in a bad way) blonde hair or wavy red hair. Usually petite but curvy. Never clothed besides her hair draped over her breasts. Sometimes covered in blood and sometimes looks like she just got out of the shower.-

“Astarte/Astaroth is said to be very tall, beautiful, and elegant with fair skin and long blonde hair.” –

These notes were definitely taken within the past week. And from here, the woman that I described is somewhat similar if not identical, here is the dream that I had a few months ago,

“Not clearly remembering the details, I do remember speaking with some blonde woman nearly as tall as I am. She may have wearing a black, tight short skirt with a shirt that revealed much of a ‘muffin top’. This woman was also wearing what looked like a flight attendants, or more so an American air force hat that was the colour black. Perhaps she was more involved with the German air force and was the typical Aryan woman than the oh so Nazi dick heads so, oh so, desired.” And ....

“Continuing on with the dream, all of a sudden she was standing in a line with other beautiful women. They all wore similar clothing, and had that stuff that women wear on their lips, that was the colour red. I tried to imagine that it was a different colour, since I dislike the colour red on a woman, however was not able to. [They] were all dancing in some seductive/sexual dance. The interesting thing is, is that I had seen two of exactly the same blonde woman and her clothing, as though I was seeing doubles. Obviously though, my focus was on the blonde woman that I had just met prior. She and her double suddenly stripped off their white/light pink coloured blouse and the woman I was viewing primarily, stripped off and was showing her black bra.
Whilst she was still dancing, along with the others, she then removed her bra, however kept her boobs hidden behind her flowing blonde hair.”- Personal writing entitled “Seduction Through Sympathy” 06/10/2018. " - Decision Made Tuesday 26/03/2019
Then I later found out that, in fact not long after making the journal entry of the dream I had about 6 to 9 months earlier, the woman I saw in the dream was posing the same as the Starbucks logo. Just research about it and think about it. Here is an image of the Starbucks logo,

 Image result for starbucks logo


Anonymous said…
Hello, as awkward as this sound I feel interested to know more of your story. If its okay with you, do you mind dropping by in succubus related discord?? I'll drop the invite here so hopefully you won't mind.

Excuse the name, there are some who would like to know more about OWW - namely succubus.

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