
Showing posts from October, 2019

'Just Another Story'

Here is a story that I am starting to make. Tell me what you think of it so far. The story is entitled 'Just Another Story'. " Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, wait, lets just cut the crap and get to the chase, this is just another story not unlike the likeness of all the other stories. He was being chased by a creature that had large wings and talons, be very surprised when I mention that it was not dragon like every single other story and game out there has. This creature, although hidden in the darkness, was clearly not of this world, the earth that is to say. It was 27 metres in length, 6 metres high, 3.5076 metres in width (don’t judge this guy, at least he tries to work out). His talon on his right front foot was exactly 32.7 cm, and his second talon on his right front foot was… yeah I know, continuing with the slightly less boring side of the story. Glowing yellow eyes of fiery doom, the legs of a beast of great muscle, not unlike Arnold Schwartz...

Oath Against Succubus - No Response

I just remembered something that reminded me of something negative regarding my woman of the otherworld's actions, or lack of. A while back, on the 23rd of March of the year 2019, I made a personal bound oath, in the name of my God Jehovah to permanently refrain from women of the otherworld. You may say that I had broken my oath since, but did I? Actually a year prior to the oath, I mentioned in my hand written notes that I may soon sign an oath against association with the women of the otherworld. Leading up to the date, 2 months beforehand, I incessantly reminded my woman of the otherworld that I will sign the oath unless she can otherwise prove to me why we should still be together. Not even a single response, in fact I stopped feeling her or seeing her in my minds eye and dreams a few weeks prior. What do you think this means? It does not end there. One older sounding woman of the otherworld, the one I have heard more times than any other, said to me "sorry, I didn...

A Load of Confusion

I spoke to a few girls yesterday that are friends with my sister, yet again, talking. During the night I had seen the same black haired female look at me in some angry look,as also a dissapointing one, yet again. Is she trying to find reasons for being dissapointed in me? The former post I had put up I decided to take down for a couple of days because I was not sure I should put it up. The reason is, is that I felt a strong love for my woman of the otherworld still. Since she got a little disturbed with me speaking to some women not much younger than myself, I think that she became jealous. This would then conclude that she has an interest in me and that she does not want me to go with a different female. I am actually starting to believe that Lilith, or whomever this Goddess was, may not have tried to kill me but perhaps a jealous person of the otherworld tried. Why would she want to try and destroy me when we were getting along with each other? And, why would she want to annihil...

Reality of this Goddess (from written journal)

Does this particular Goddess, possibly the only one, truly love me or have an interest in me? At first one may think that she does when she shows herself nude and sends images of love hearts or may even say it in your ears, because all of those things she did to me. This Goddess, pretty sure it is the same one, names herself A*****, similar to the scriptures about Jehovah and the A***** poles. She regularly appears to me as a black-haired female in my minds eye. The following are minds eye visions/images that I had seen yesterday morning: (Will or may not remember all of them.) 1.        Female appeared to me with yellow snake eyes and sharp pointy teeth with blood on them. 2.        The jet-black haired woman showed up again and showed herself nude laying in different postures. One time in the morning yesterday she was walking up a stairway with a behind view of her ass. 3.      ...

My Opinion of 'Astarte' PART (3)

It is not good. My opinion of this woman shows that she is murderous, virtually the complete opposite of what God Jehovah wants in a person. She does everything to completely defy the laws of God, seemingly deliberately. She will try and make you feel like the special one, as though you are a God. You are NOT special you are NOT a God and you will never be. You are NOT her special lover, she will either kill you or use you. I would know, she tried to kill me twice this year, even though I thought we were both getting along just fine. Then finding out that she tries to get many a man to try and love her pained my heart since I did start taking a deep interest in this Goddess. I would advice that, even the entities told me through EVP, that she is in fact a trap seeking to "send you to your grave". Just today, after thinking back on this, I thought of the scriptures and the warning it gives regarding cheating wives and whores (read proverbs chapters 5 to 7) : " The...

Suspicions of Couples

I thought it may be easier for me to just scan the written document that I made instead of typing it, if you can read my writing. It feels like I am on the Pelican brief or something typing about these bad entities, because some 'people' of the otherworld are not going to like this. They can just suck on my cock, I don't give a shit what they think, the truth is the truth.

Interesting Read About God and Corruption

If you have the time and you are looking for one of my most interesting reads, read the new post I had made on my other blogger account:

Dreams, dreams, and.......dreams. Cheating OWW?

Why the dreams of her fucking my friends? I am not sure if these dreams had the same woman of the otherworld that has been loyal to me or if it someone malicious, all I know is that the dreams I had were NOT normal for quite a few reasons in which I will explain. Take this one dream I had as an example: . "This dream that I had of this female occurred on the twenty-eighth of September of the year two-thousand and nineteen. In this case it only happened a few nights ago. At first I was on some form of ledge in the dream, when I then had seen an aeroplane fly over the top of me in which then dropped a bomb near me. I had known that it was a nuclear bomb, I then dived off the ledge to take a closer look at the explosion, in my interest. It explains it since I was always fascinated by nuclear explosions and loved them since I was fourteen years of age. As I jumped from the ledge I then dove straight into deep water [the ledge I jumped from was actually in the tens of thousa...