My Opinion of 'Astarte' PART (3)

It is not good. My opinion of this woman shows that she is murderous, virtually the complete opposite of what God Jehovah wants in a person. She does everything to completely defy the laws of God, seemingly deliberately.

She will try and make you feel like the special one, as though you are a God. You are NOT special you are NOT a God and you will never be. You are NOT her special lover, she will either kill you or use you. I would know, she tried to kill me twice this year, even though I thought we were both getting along just fine. Then finding out that she tries to get many a man to try and love her pained my heart since I did start taking a deep interest in this Goddess.

I would advice that, even the entities told me through EVP, that she is in fact a trap seeking to "send you to your grave". Just today, after thinking back on this, I thought of the scriptures and the warning it gives regarding cheating wives and whores (read proverbs chapters 5 to 7) :

"The ways to Sheol her house is; they are descending to the interior rooms of death." - Proverbs 7:27 .
Other than her saying in my ears "I burn my partners" she tried to destroy me. I swear it was Lilith who is probably exactly the same as Astarte. This is what happened:

While I was working in Perth I was fine for two weeks until I started to get some form of allergy to it that suddenly started giving me rashes, red sore eyes, and a little difficulty breathing. I did not pay too much attention to this, I even worked some 12 hour days with only a ten minute break. Suddenly I started to have to take a few days off here and there because of what was happening to me. 

It was gradually getting worse over a few weeks. Heck, one time I even got three fevers in a week and two days. My immune system was also starting to diminish, rapidly. Assuming my woman of the otherworld was there, I said aloud that I will still go to work even if I am sick, I did not fly all the way here 2,500 km away for this bullshit. I saw her, again, she appeared in my minds eye (flashes/visions) as the same black haired woman. This black haired woman looked at me in the reflection of the mirror, whilst she was 'doing her face pretty', and then blew a kiss to me. After she did this, the next day I swear I nearly chocked to death five times when my throat swelled up so ridiculously bad that I could hardly breath, I even wrote a letter in case I died. No one was there with me, and I did not call the ambulance. I should have called, that was close. 

Now, you may think that this was a coincidence, you should read onward, it kinda gets worse. 

After seeing her many times in my minds eye and she looked nice. I started to really have quite a bit of feelings towards her, at that stage anyway. It was a Monday morning a couple of weeks ago. I had seen her again doing pretty much the same thing as what I had seen in Perth. She was looking at me in the reflection of the mirror, only this time instead of appearing as a normal beautiful female, she looked rough and dirty in her complexion and had tall horns on her head. 

After I had seen this minds eye vision I went wood cutting, to collect firewood. As I did I nearly stepped upon a King-brown snake (like 10cm close), lucky it was in the middle of feeding. (The king-brown snake is the most dangerous snake in Australia). I have a photo of it at the bottom and an image from google of exactly what it looked like. I only took a photo when I went back to it with an axe in hand. I did not kill though, since it did not try and kill me. 

Later that week I lost a job opportunity, of all the fucking available jobs, because of the same illness to paint came when I was installing cabinets and other installations, paint fumes were still in the new building. Besides that, I had several other problems, it would have to be the worst week I have had in quite a while.

Well there you have it, does it sound like they would make good companions or 'mothers'? I thought that we were getting along until she shows her true ugly nature. She is not beautiful nor is she worth it, and worse yet, I never even summoned her, she came to me instead. And NO, I do not think that Lilith is Satan. Why would Satan want to subject himself into the lower position of being fucked in the ass when he would never even bow before God let alone a mortal human (don't forget that he hates us and eats humans)? And plus Ishtar/Lilith has been in trouble many times in this district of the heavens. So, from this then, how is it possible for Satan to get in trouble when there is no other being higher than himself in this district of the heavens? Remember that Satan and his demons are bound to Earth after the war in the heavens. It is true, I also at some stage thought that Satan and Lilith are the same. I found, through logical conclusions, they are not the same.      

There may be more instances for me to add, however I can not think of everything at once, I will just include what else I can remember to this post later on.

The black bitch slut not to be asked of anything, nor trusted. And I am pretty sure she wanted child sacrifices, just like the EVP asked. I save children, as a volunteer fire fighter, not kill them. I fucking hate her, may she rot in the eyes of God and men. 



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