Do Goddesses Exist?
In the back of your mind you would often have doubts, and I know that you would, because I often did even after all that I had seen. It then began to manifest to me, that, these Goddesses do not exist but are 'entities' pretending to be them. Especially Lilith does not exist. Sorry to break your hearts, but truth will do us justice and out of the 'clouds'. Would the Queen of England or Princess Diana personally visit you and vibrate your balls if you sent a personal request via email? Say, you have never seen Queen Elizabeth in your life, you only heard of her, yet she comes to you claiming to be her, how can you be certain it is her? Why would she want to vibrate your balls at all? What about the 10,000 other people that want their balls vibrated at the same time? Apparently they do get what they wanted. But, what if the stuff they teach, including what the scriptures teach, is that they are in fact wicked spirits that cause harm to people? Many call upon Lilith a...