Do Goddesses Exist?

In the back of your mind you would often have doubts, and I know that you would, because I often did even after all that I had seen. It then began to manifest to me, that, these Goddesses do not exist but are 'entities' pretending to be them. Especially Lilith does not exist. Sorry to break your hearts, but truth will do us justice and out of the 'clouds'.

Would the Queen of England or Princess Diana personally visit you and vibrate your balls if you sent a personal request via email? Say, you have never seen Queen Elizabeth in your life, you only heard of her, yet she comes to you claiming to be her, how can you be certain it is her? Why would she want to vibrate your balls at all? What about the 10,000 other people that want their balls vibrated at the same time? Apparently they do get what they wanted. But, what if the stuff they teach, including what the scriptures teach, is that they are in fact wicked spirits that cause harm to people?

Many call upon Lilith and describe the experience as though they had a unique experience, but I can tell you, if you actually did the research, it is nothing new or special. But how can she visit so many people at once? My understanding thus far is that all wicked spirits are commanded under one means of authority, most likely this is satan (who is also the serpent) who derives man's desires through 1) mainstream society, 2) preferences from the past thousands of years of mans existence, and 3) the person's personality type.

Who do you believe exists, Lilith or Ishtar (Inanna)? Do you truly believe in the mythological accounts of Lilith and Ishtar? Do you think that Lilith and Ishtar are the same? If you said yes to any of these, then, you are an idiot. Lilith was killed by Ishtar's brother Gilgamesh, yes, brother, not the guy that refused Ishtar's advances. (Although I am not too sure about the claim of this story about Gilgamesh being Ishtar's brother).

Anyway, the accounts in mythology are ridiculous and hard to believe exist. You could probably make a goddess up and preach online as her existing and offering amazing benefits and people would believe you, then everyone starts claiming that they were the one and only chosen by your bullshit goddess, what a fucked up ego boost for losers. Watch the video about the Lucky Dog from one of Derren Brown's videos. Spirit creatures can do the same thing too, they can pretend to be someone else since they are shape-shifters after all, and they probably want obeisance and worship for themselves. This seems like a dishonourable method for losers who are loners.

These fucking cunt of spirits would do anything they can do to make you believe their bullshit stories and lead you into a false life. If it is too good to be true it generally isn't true, in this case , it is never true with them. It does not matter anyway, this supposed Ishtar has not visited me in a little while. Now, I do not believe it was her.

I made a promise to not tell of this event that happened a while back, however how can I make a promise to something that does not even exist. One night I insulted Lilith and made a joke of her repetitively after coming back from the fire station. I joked about her being a bitch hencewhy she goes through so many lovers/failed relationships and so forth. That night around 4 am in the morning she shook me in bed, whilst I felt my ears vibrating inside like I was being whacked across the ears, and at the same time it/she was growling. At that time I was feeling sober and had some love and made a promise to her not to mention this incident. I kept that promise until now, because Lilith does not exist. The wicked spirits do this to keep up the act and the lie.

Now I can harass, torment, and insult her all I want, knowing that she does not actually even exist and is made up. I would believe in Ishtar before I believe in Lilith anyway, therefore Lilith is apparently deceased. What happens now? Will another cunt of the spirit world pretend to be this harlot goddess and try to punish me to try and make this lie look real? All logic and reasoning and truth shows that Lilith is a lie, even if she did once exist, she is not actually here today.

From this, then how can we believe in Lilith's apparent 'daughters'? How do we not know that the Succubi (shape-shifters) are not wicked spirits, or worse yet, tranny's?

You know how women who seek empowerment in the world turn to Lilith if they were abused and suppressed by men, then, what if this apparent Lilith is a male molester and rapist? Same goes for men seeking a way out. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

The above chic could actually be this cock-sucker sucking your cock:



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