Reasons Why We should Reject Satan

“That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him.” - John 8:44 and 1John 3:18 

After what he did with the first man and woman (Adam and Eve) this would make him a murderer and an enemy of mankind, "just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned" (Romans 5:12). It is also evident that the Israelite's/Jews, Jesus and his disciples knew that Satan existed as a person.

In the eyes of any honourable and right hearted person, Satan is most truly unworthy of recognition, worship, or service. Satan spreads his propaganda to all people in order to blind them from the truth of the events and what is really going on in the world around them. What is happening is that "the world is passing away and so is its desire" with the destruction of our environment, pollution, hunger/poverty, and selfish politicians. All signs that Satan is truly grasping the world, "but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" (1John 5:19).

In my opinion, as I stated in my former post, he is like Hitler on mental pills. Satan has been proven to be unable to rule even himself let alone others. Satan has been given enough time, and is failing. Just as he thinks he is securing peace, many are sent into poverty just to keep the other people in a state of "the world is fine, nothing is wrong" attitude, 'buy more', 'get the latest', 'live a good life by chasing success', 'don't take notice of anything outside of your world because you are living a good life'.

One entity told me one day "Satan takes care of lost souls". What Satan has been described of is; "Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone" (1Peter 5:8). So, why would you want to leave your hiking group and find a guide in the lions den? I have seen Satan actually tormenting spirits of the dead before. Perhaps this entity that told me was hired to say that in that he would attain some reward. The beings that Satan is not opposed to is his subservient fallen rebellious angels, namely the demons. Demons are wicked spirits, there is no way around it, no excuses.

In effect Satan is the enemy of mankind and of God Jehovah (I do not believe Jesus and God are the same). Hence, why should Satan be deserving of worship or even attain any authority at all?

Just like fighting a fire, it seems daunting and frightening at first but you know that you are doing the right thing (especially when the flames are 30 metres high right in front of you), so it is the same as opposing the enemy of mankind, namely Satan. Satan is a 'good-for-nothing' spirit that needs to be eliminated at some stage, hopefully soon considering the worsening world conditions. Not only that, immorality is on the increase, just what the opposer of God wants.

Therefore, it is important that we stand our ground and fight our enemy, Satan.


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