Asherah. Why?

You may as well fuck off! You don't want to read this you gullible fucked up fans of these harlots.

Do you really believe in what is said on the internet about these Goddesses? Don't you think it is just wishful thinking of desperate men? One Goddess I am thinking about is Asherah. God told his people not to worship this image of this Goddess, for good reason, along with other false deities explaining to them that they were only God's of wood and stone. Do you really think that she actually exists?

You know, I have met some very bad entities of the otherworld that still do very bad things. Some of those of the otherworld (in whom I think may have been Ahserah) asked me to sacrifice children for fuck sake! Hence I told this slut to get the fuck out of here. This Goddess claims to be Asherah/Ishtar and claims that she has an army of 1,600,000 of the otherworld. Then, where is she? Why has she not taken care of that cunt that tormented me for a while and still shows up, that killed and raped his wife and daughter? What the fuck! A Goddess of supposed protection? Or just a fake floozy that Satan uses to his liking, even pretending to be her. I hate that cunt Satan, he has been an asshole since day one, even against the human race and God.

They are of no help. Just a little while ago I requested a bit of money, but this supposed Asherah (although may not have been her but an imposter) gave me the finger and her hubbi crossed his fucked up pussy arms shaking his ugly face. This is the same guy in my dream that I nearly had I fight with outside of the pub in my dream because he said something shit to me. This male reminds me of this so called Devil, thinks that he can get away scott-free with his crimes. I cannot wait until his end, then I will be whistling and clapping my hands and drinking like fuck in celebration. I should just throw Asherah in amongst him until she otherwise proves herself.

MAKING MATTERS WORSE!!! I was told that I was in the top 66 in some selection process in order to see who would be better suited to this slut of a Goddess, in whom is a thorn in the ass of mankind and the Earth. I did actually come to love her, BUT....those who do not make it through the selection process are tortured or killed. But, besides this reason, I did not want to be with her because she obviously does not know what love is when she has to do a selection process to find her hanky panky spanky 'perfect' little bitch of a man. No fucking thanks, I will not enter this stupid game. She is obviously less evolved if she has to find the bird with the best straw for the nest. This reminds me of the story of Gilgamesh and Ishtar. (Still not sure about the story about Gilgamesh being her brother) and Gilgamesh rejecting her advances to do with what I formerly mentioned.

I find it hard to believe that it would have been her that asked me to do such vile things. Asherah has been the most motherly figure I have ever seen. She was a mother throughout, although I do not want another mother. How could it be her to ask of such things? Or, was she only made up the whole way? But, she has done a couple of things out of the ordinary for me to prove herself, but ever since she left me alone, and only here and there shows herself now. She has not appeared for a few days since I declined on sacrificing children.

You know what, you don't want to read this because it is against your beliefs that you want to believe, Jesus fucking Christ mate, you sound like a Jehovah's Witness. Look at the pros and cons and calculate if Lilith or Ahserah or this Satan is worth it. What will they bring you? Maybe they tried to stop you from reading this post. In the mean time I am going to have another battle with this fucken cunt of a devil and Satan's whore Asherah just for talking to you about this.

I have already received threats from Satan, hahahaha. Goes to show how unloving he is! All I fucking wanted was proof and evidence, yet Satan is absent and threatens, what a cunt, he will not even try to prove himself, he probably knows that he will lose and fail yet again. If I met this guy at the pub, or anywhere, I would fuck his skull in, especially if he threatened my family or friends. He is your top ranking asshole. It would not surprise me if he was kicked out of heaven for being a cunt, too much for God to bear.   

What I have formerly mentioned has nothing to do with my Woman of the Otherworld and in no way has she encouraged me. In fact we were doing fine this morning, just letting you know.


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