Termination of the Goddess

Asherah, or should I say Satan, has become involved with me for some time, although we did not go too far, thank goodness for that. Just today ‘it’, namely Satan, sent me a clear message that he does not want me to succeed in this world. Today and yesterday I had just bought oil and silver on the exchanges with a possibility of making allot of money.

Knowing that I can make allot of money from it, I felt as though there was something wrong with that, and so I was right. It felt as though Satan was going to want something back from me like loyalty and devotion. ‘It” knows that I will absolutely refuse. Hence, with him in control of the lottery and exchanges, I decided to no longer engage in those activities, I sold them off. 30 seconds after I got a message from the markets saying that Silver and oil had spiked. That was a clear message since I had been waiting an entire Month for that to happen and only happened once I left. What a cunt.

Also, this Goddess or Satan is weak and corrupt and will not be able to sustain power much longer. I truly want no involvement with this Goddess, especially when I learned that it is Satan, a very bad man/creature. I want to be on the Good side of light and honour and not darkness, depression, sin, and murder.

Satan is a murderer and a liar doomed to destruction. Satan is the villain in the movies and those of the light are the highly regarded and honoured heroes, Satan is not. Satan is self-promoting and proves false to his power, I do not like that. Satan sets himself on high and rebelled against truth and justice. Satan is corrupt and arrogant just like this ‘Venusian’ Goddess, in whom is no doubt Satan.
So, now one sees why I want no part in this one, namely Satan, a pathetic being. Several entities do not like his reign and I encourage a mutiny or civil war. Question the fuck out of Satan/’Venusian’ Goddess.

One thing that really annoyed me was how this ‘Venusian’ Goddess would reveal the personal details to her followers. She revealed to one man my name and my email address. One time she even gave my password to some random person after I mentioned the password aloud, a deliberate test of her. 1 or 2 days later she gave someone my password, not shitting you. You would have a lack of privacy with her. This bitch would probably have you assassinated for saying something against her or acting against ‘it’ (Satan or the ‘Venusian’ Goddess, whichever image her chooses in order in order to please).

I love Jehovah not the Goddess or Satan. There is no other than Jehovah himself. Jehovah is the only being that I have ever bent a knee to, no one else compares to his majesty and splendour.

This ‘Venusian’ Goddess has shown herself to me many many times, she appears to be obsessed with what remaining perishable splendour and fortune she has, rather than having the proper entitlement and honour that she/it no longer deserves. For a time I did like her but not for long, she is a deliberate appearance and is really Satan. Now she shows it’s own true ugly face and nature.

A time when she/Satan no longer exists will be a time of rejoicing when this corrupted ruler perishes for all times indefinite. People will be able to live happily for eternity the way that it should have been. But thanks to her/Satan we all must suffer at the hands of her corruption and lies and injustice. Cursed be Satan and this Goddess forever.

What will happen now with me and my woman of the otherworld? I seriously have started suspecting that she is only an angel of Satan and not a legitimate true lover. In anyway, it would be best for her to leave immediately or else she will suffer at the hands at our adversary, Satan.

As you would notice I never call Satan the ‘Devil’. This is because ‘Devil was not a name assigned to him, it is a name that he undeservingly called himself, as though he enjoys bathing in his own corruption. He loves his own failure and injustice. He will not be able to enjoy it much longer since his world is seriously ‘passing away’ . Those who side with the Villainous ‘Devil’ will die and have no longer the honour one could have had if they did the right thing.

Love, justice, heroism, and honour is what I choose to nourish myself on rather than the qualities and traits of Satan. The peace that will come when he is gone. Satan can only create a false peace that cannot last.

I encourage people and you to do the right thing by seeking the light. Doing the honourable right thing and be smiled upon by those of the superior forces of the otherworld that are not Satan and those apart of him/Goddess.

Another reason as to how I know that Satan is in charge of the lottery is because, at the time thinking it was a legitamte Goddess, make a bet that if I did not get the job that ‘she’ tried to get me that she owe me $100 and if I got the job I owe her that money. I said that I will not be able to pay that money until 2 weeks. Guess what, when I did not get the job, I won $86 2 weeks later. These kinds of things would happen.

The only way to gain acceptance is if Satan disguises himself as a Goddess with big knockers and a booty that suites the modern taste, huge. Undeserving, ugly, and dishonourable, basically all of the traits that makes one cringe at the idea of. I DO NOT like Satan!

One of the things that made me figure that Asherah/Astarte is Satan was the name Semjase. Semjase is apparently some busty blonde hotty that Billy Meir speaks of and wrote a book about. The name Semjase is nearly perfectly identical to the name Semjaza, the leader of the rebellion from heaven, namely Satan. Semjase also had a father called Ptah. So, it looks increasingly so that Semjase is Satan. Guess who else had a father named Ptah, Astarte. Seriously though, the star and the snake, definitely Satan, in whom WAS the shining one in the heavens. Satan is also the tempter of men, the perfect way to tempt and seduce than to be a busty hot blonde bitch. Panting over a woman that will make you bleed to death, really? Get your fucking head checked mate.

It has been quite emotionally troubling for me learning that Asherah is actually Satan and that I was being deceived and nearly led astray. Makes me think, that, if Satan did manage to deceive me I would have been destroyed at the split second of being handed over to him. Satan is, I cannot stress this point enough, an asshole/dick head with no worthy entitlement. Die Satan, begone!

At least I will be able to make or be given a proper name and honours by doing what is right. Resisting Satan’s advances is one of the right things to do and is something to boast about. We should find reasons for boasting in the Lord’s work and resisting temptations and Satan.

I am not sure what happens from here and onwards, perhaps Jehovah will look upon me favourably for doing what is upright and just. I love Jehovah with all of my heart, mind, and soul. Amen to that in which I have stated. I am faithful and loyal through life and death to our one and only true God, Jehovah, and NOT any of these Goddesses nor Satan that unworthily names itself ‘the Devil’. We pray for an end to his corruption and to bring about true lasting peace and justice to fill the world.





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